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The Birth of Forever Fed

In early 2010, my husband Bob and I realized that God had many changes in store for our family.  Bob and I had often dreamed of opening a soup kitchen where we could also provide educational support for children and their families. We began to pray together for direction and received confirmation that it was time for us to follow our dream. We set out to find a soup kitchen home and quickly learned this was not what God had in mind. We continued to pray together and God confirmed that this ministry should be mobile. Proof that God's design is much larger than our "inside the box" ideas. 

With great enthusiasm, energy and very little money we set out to find the path God was leading us on.  He very soon validated his message by providing a fourteen foot box truck, free of charge!  Forever Fed, A Mobile Food Ministry, was born.

Since that time God has delivered several key people into the ministry, including the Leadership Team; a group of seven very talented individuals serving with a sincere passion for not only feeding individuals in need but also with a passion of community support through fellowship.

Forever Fed began serving the North Georgia community in August 2010 and we ask that you support us with your prayers, presence, gifts, and service. As our community comes together to meet the needs of our neighbors, God will truly be glorified!

Yes, a Mobile Food Ministry  looks a bit different than our original dreams. However we are simply overjoyed at the opportunities we're being given to not only feed God's hungry children but to also sit and fellowship with them as well. Our dreams of opening a community center that provides free healthy meals, educational support, and job placement recources is still very much alive and we truly beleive that will happen in God's perfect timing.

We hope you will join us as we go forth to share the love of Christ in ways that are as old as "loaves and fishes".

Susan Vanderheyden

Founder, Executive Director