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What If?

When we were children our parents taught us to avoid and even flee from strangers, a very basic lesson every child needs to learn. That learning stays with us forever. When we are grown we learn to remain watchful of where we are and to be conscious of the activities around in order to remain safe.

But what if for just one day we chose to seek out a stranger? What if one day we said, “Today, I’ll engage others I meet with a conversation of kindness, even if they are strangers.”

What would that day look like?

Forever Fed intentionally invites strangers to our events. We actively seek strangers. We pass out flyers and we put up posters in store windows but the most important invitation we present is the one that happens face to face.

There’s been a new face in Canton recently, it’s the face of a homeless man I’ll call Joey. I’ve invited Joey numerous times to the Forever Fed events. He came to the Thanksgiving meal in Canton and last Saturday he actually climbed a good sized hill to come and receive a hot meal at our Block Party. When I first saw Joey and saw that he was breathing heavily from his climb I walked quickly to him and we walked arm in arm together to the serving line. I was overjoyed that he chose to come because this was a huge step for him, a step towards participating in society again. We had a very colorful conversation that still makes me smile and then he took a meal and went back home to his tent on the river. It was 20 degrees that night. I know many prayed he’d stay warm and safe.

We encountered Joey again a few days later at the Monday outreach. Joey was given some badly needed groceries and we chatted about everyday things. I pointed out our Church right down the street from where we were and encouraged him to go there for a cup of coffee and a warm place to sit for a while but he wasn’t very receptive to that idea, you could almost see the fear in his eyes. Before Joey left I asked him if I could give him a hug and he just laughed and said yes. I wondered how long it had been since he laughed.   

Yesterday Joey showed up at the Church and from what I hear he was greeted very warmly and with great respect. He got his coffee and some more conversation with the Church staff. I praise God I belong to a Church family that welcomes the homeless. Many Churches will say they have “open doors” but few can really pull that off and do it well. Thank you Lord!

Do you see the trend for this man? Repeated invitations+ hospitality + more invitations + smiles and laughter + food + a warm place + conversations over coffee = restoration.

So what Forever Fed’s greatest hope for Joey? It’s no different than our greatest hope for everyone we serve. Our greatest hope is that the people we serve will come to know how greatly they are loved by the God that created them. God loves His children so very much not only did He send His only Son to redeem us, He’s sending a crazy group of individuals out in crazy weather to serve hot meals when and where they are badly needed. It’s a crazy idea…it wasn’t our idea, it was His.

So, what if for just one day, you chose to seek out a stranger? What if one day you said, “Today, I’ll engage others I meet with a conversation of kindness, even if they are strangers.”

What if you joined us one day and helped us invite strangers to a meal.

What if???

“Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’

    “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’  (Matthew 25:34-40)

 Kindness to's His idea, for you. 



Thanksgiving Outreach

Over the past few days, I helped prepare, cook and serve over 560 Thanksgiving meals, and I am the one who has been blessed.  Having no prior experience with the event, I did not know what to expect.  This actually worked to my advantage, since I was able to mask my reaction to the number of volunteers that suddenly appeared.  I had been assigned to run the dining area.  I had the task of making it work (which I already mentioned that I didn't have a clue) and assigning the people to the job that would best suit them (although by the way I didn't know many of them) in order to provide a pleasant and efficient dining experience for our guests.

The doors opened, the guests poured in, I took a deep breath and said a quick prayer.  Our volunteers quickly fell into a routine that appeared as if they had been working together and doing this for a long time.  Guests were welcomed, orders were taken, drinks were delivered and the service line produced order-specific meals like a well-oiled machine.

Due to the unexpected number of guests, the food ran out, but another outreach just happened to come by with their leftover soup and no one went away without something to eat.  I arrived home - tired, hungry and happy.  A short time later a good friend called to ask me how the event had gone and within 30 minutes showed up at my door with her husband to bring a full Thanksgiving dinner to my husband and me.  They brought the food, asked for 2 plates and served us the meal.  Amazing how comfortable I had felt all day serving food to others and how uncomfortable I felt being served.  It made me think that maybe some of our guests also felt "uncomfortable" being served, but unfortunately they had no other option.


Thanks for Giving

Thanksgiving Outreach 2010 was an astounding success!!  We served over 560 meals in 4 hours.  That is a record!!

We could not have done it with all of our volunteers and supporters!!  In order to serve 560 meals, you need a lot, and I mean A LOT, of food.  20 Turkeys, 14 Hams, 20 Gallons of Green Beans…  Special thanks to all of the gracious folks at Hillside Methodist Church for opening their kitchen and hearts to all of the hours of food preparation.  Marcia and Ted, we could not have done this without you!!  To all the other volunteers, who came in for all of the thankless time in the kitchen preparing what was ultimately an awesome meal.  Thank You!!

At the event, we were floored by all the outpouring of support.  At first we thought we were overstaffed, but then the first wave of hungry mouths hit and the support team kicked into action.  Everyone had a mission and that mission was fulfilled.  A Special thanks to Christine, for rallying the troops in the kitchen and keeping the endless line of plates full.

To all of the recurring volunteers, thank you for your ongoing support.  It means so much to us that you continue to take time away from your holiday to help out.  For all of the new faces, and there were a lot, thank you and welcome to the Forever Fed Army.  Hopefully, you see what motivates all of us.  There is a definite need to help keep stomachs full in North Georgia and you can make a difference. 

For all the volunteers and supports, thank you for giving on this day of Thanksgiving.  You all rallied to the cause and made a huge difference.  Please keep in mind that hunger is a year round problem and we can use your help.  A sobering fact was that despite all of the food we prepared, we flat ran out of everything.  There were a lot of hungry stomachs that day and every day.  We can use any help you can provide throughout the year to attack the hunger problem.  Thanks, again!!

Be sure to check out all the event photos on our photo page.


Expanding Your Horizons

In 1990 I started one of the best jobs I’ve ever held in the Operating Room of Charlotte Orthopedic Hospital. I had 3 years experience as a circulating nurse and was very excited to be a part of a prestigious operating room.  

On the third day I reported to work my preceptor greeted me with, “Susan, today you’re going to be a scrub nurse!” I just smiled and said, “Great! Let’s go!” but inside my stomach was churning and my heart was racing. It was only my third day at work and they were already pushing me far beyond my comfort zone. I scrubbed and passed instruments for the very first time in my life that day. I was nervous, and made countless errors but I left work that day feeling a huge sense of accomplishment.

Forever Fed’s most valuable assets are our volunteer servers. We can plan and coordinate events all day long but we could not fight this battle against hunger without the numerous volunteers that give their valuable time in service to our community.

During our Thanksgiving Event we had an enormous number of volunteers serving  for countless hours of food preparation as well as meal service and I am truly humbled by what I’ve seen. Every volunteer a smile on their face and most came in groups of two or three ready to jump into the “unknown” and just do it. Many were first time servers to Forever Fed and I have such respect for those who stepped out of their comfort zone to serve their neighbors a meal. I hope and pray each one left with a sense of accomplishment and a renewed commitment to their community.

Are you willing to step out of your comfort zone and try new things? When we step into new situations with unfamiliar people and share our servant hearts our horizons expand just a bit. Each time you take a step away from self and towards others the sense of accomplishment is huge and the rewards are eternal, everyone wins!

 It is my hope that you’ll adopt a “Great! Let’s go!” attitude towards servant hood today. I pray you’ll step out in faith and volunteer for something you’ve always wanted to do but never dared to attempt.  Make a choice to partner with someone, anyone, be it Forever Fed or one of many local organizations serving your community. Your stomach may cringe and your heart may race but if you’ll continue to walk the path of servant hood you may soon discover God has been with you every step of the way.

“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Ephesians 2:10


Turkey Day Prep

Prep has started (technically started Monday night) for the big day. We are getting ready to serve 400 meals Thursday.

40 turkeys have been baked. 12 hams are getting ready. A whole lot of stuffing getting made. And a whole lot more...