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Loaves and Fishes (well BBQ samidges, any way....)

We definitely had a "loaves and fishes" experience serving Kids Bible Club, this evening.  A few weeks ago, Marie, the KBC director, sent us child and participant counts, so we could plan for the proper number of people to serve.  Since we wanted to be sure that we had enough food, Susan asked her to be sure that her counts were a little on the high side of normal attendance. 

At one point, this evening, the K-1st grade class needed 16 more sandwiches, but we only had 8 left after sending food to the other classrooms.  While I was cutting sandwiches in half, so the kids would at least get something to eat, left over sandwiches started coming in from the other rooms (1, 2 or 3 at a time).  In the end, not only did we have enough to feed the children, but enough to feed the teacher and bus driver volunteers, too. 

To date, ForeverFed has served over 300 meals.  It's amazing what the Lord can do, if we serve Him and get out of his way.


Who Makes a Good Volunteer?

I had a conversation yesterday with and old friend who wants to volunteer for one of our events but there was a catch...she wants to bring her young kids with her. I'll admit my first reaction was "Oh dear, that will add way too much chaos to the mix." My doubts were not about her family's ability to do assigned tasks, my doubts were in my own abilities to feed a group of 200 kids while directing others with small children to get the job done. So I was left asking myself, "Am I up to that challenge?" I told Megan (Mom of three great kids) I needed to think on it for a day and get back to her. 

When I woke this morning my answer was an overwhelming "YES!". 

Why is it we're so quick to forget the lessons we learned along the way? My husband and I volunteered many years for ministries and other activities and our kids went with us everywhere. It was through the sharing our life experiences that our kids learned valuable life lessons. They practiced math skills by counting out coloring sheets for Sunday School. They learned how to unstack little plastic chairs and put them around tables. They learned proper respect and behavior by not climbing on the very tables on which children would be eating their snacks. They also learned they could bring out the worst in me by playing with the light switches in every room. Needless to say, I learned a few lessons along the way as well.  

My children are grown now and I am so proud of their servant hearts and level of maturity and respect for others. When others ask them for assistance they rarely hesitate and jump right in to help. What is it that made them the very kids they are today? I believe it's the result of a whole lot of prayer combined with the view of the world we tried to show them when they were young. 

Ministries are not just about the people you are serving, they are actually more about the servant hearts doing the work! Scripture states we are "created to do good works". When we deny part of that which God created in us, we are stepping on and squashing a potential seed that has been planted in us from conception.

I don't think we can earn brownie points on God's "Book of Good Deeds", in fact I'm not sure anything we do impresses God--He's God, creator of the entire Earth and everything in it! But I do know, from past experience, that by embracing our need to serve Him we mature spiritually! We learn to love others unconditionally. We learn patience, gentleness, kindness, and self control. It's through serving others we foster and nourish the "servant seed" God planted in us. And when we behave in a way that honors God, His heart within us grows. 

So my answer to the question, "Who makes a Good Volunteer?" is this.


Whether your a mom with a back pack full of baby or your retired with some time to spare! God has been, and will always be, working on the very qualities He created in you. One of those important qualities is your servant heart!  

I hope and pray that Forever Fed will always remain a family friendly environment where all may serve Him, young or old, rich or poor. I am so pleased that young parents are willing to serve with us in an effort to raise up God's children to glorify Him! I also pray that you will allow the Lord to grow and educate the servant heart in you. It's through service projects and outreach events that we grow and get to know Him!

If you'd like to join us and serve along side Forever Fed, please click on the volunteer tab and fill out the form!

Live Each Day to His Glory!

Susan V.



Ninety Percent of Ministry is Just Showing Up!

At 4:30 yesterday afternoon my phone started ringing. It was raining in Canton, one person said “It was like a typhoon!” Everyone wanted to know, what our reschedule date was. To their great surprise, there wasn’t one, because we were not going to cancel. Our foods were cooked, ice already purchased, and as far as I was concerned, we were 100% committed regardless of the weather. I kind of chuckled because each of those conversations ended the same way, with a doubtful “Are you sure?” followed by the sing-song statement of “Well OK”. I’m certain they thought I was nuts.

Long story short, the weather really was terrible! By the time we reached Canton the rain had dissipated and the damages were being revealed. Several streets were closed, everyone’s power was out, huge trees were down, a building roof was blown off, tree limbs and leaves were everywhere. I was beginning to think we were going to do “disaster relief” instead of a Block Party. When we finally made it to our location (about 30 minutes later than I had planned) the storm had blown over.

As it turns out, our first event went off without a hitch! Volunteers arrived, guests arrived, all of our equipment worked, and the power even came back on so we could run our snow cone machine! (By the way, I think if you could put Jesus in a snow cone every kid would have been a believer last night! LOL) We fed about 85 people from the neighborhood both children as well as adults, and I honestly think everyone had a great time. Some of my “Homeless Neighbors” even joined us for a meal and we hugged and smiled and broke bread together. There were many families that took some leftovers home and they were very thankful for the food. As a few of those moms walked away carrying bags of food I knew that we had met a need and I thanked God for letting Forever Fed be a part of His plan.

After having done ministry for a few years now, I know that I know there are two crucial ingredients to a successful event. First, the event leader has to “Know in their heart” this event was meant to happen because when the time of the event draws near you have to step up and lead in a convincing way. Secondly, I believe 90% of ministry is just showing up and letting God do His work.  

When you minister to others you have to shake off all of your doubts, stand your ground, deny a bit of “logical thinking”, and just do it. It’s that easy.  If Jesus could teach a lesson in a storm then so can we!

Now that we have one outreach event under our belts we are already excited about the next one! We're hoping you’ll choose to join us and support our mission and ministry through your prayers, your gifts, and/or your service. The blessing lies in the "showing up"!


Susan Vanderheyden


We almost missed it!

We’ve spent the better part of this last week scrubbing, polishing, painting, fixing, and labeling the Forever Fed Truck for use at our first outreach on August 13th. During the entire process I’ve been amazed by God’s hand in all things accomplished so far.  However I am also reminded, every time I look at this truck, how we almost missed this blessing!

We had dreams and visions of what we thought God should do for our community and they certainly did not look like a box truck and a picnic. We had ideas on healthy foods we’d serve and how great it would be to sit down with our neighbors over a meal.  We had great hopes of participating in conversations with our guests in a nice comfy restaurant about the weather, our favorite teams, our kids, our lives, and our God.  

I know, with all my heart, if we had not been deliberate about seeking God’s will for this ministry we could have easily become like Israelites, wandering around in the dessert forever, looking for our land filled with milk and honey.  As it turned out, our land was filled with gasoline in a gas tank and air in tires! Who knew?

We haven’t even held our first event yet but I can now see how it makes total sense for us to go out into the community to meet the needs of God’s children. Serving food on your own turf is pretty easy, everything is done on your terms. However, when you venture out to neighborhoods in need, you are serving in a neutral and non-threatening environment, an environment familiar to the very people you are seeking to help. By doing so we’ve already opened up a conversation of love.  We are showing each community that we care for them so much we are willing to come to their turf to have the same conversations we hoped to have and serve them the same healthy meals we were dreaming of. 

Sometimes God can speak to you immediately when you ask for guidance, and other times you’ll hear nothing at all. The most important step in seeking God’s will for your life is seeking Him first! When we are diligent about seeking Him with right hearts, the answers will come and His way will be paved with blessings, talented people, and perhaps a bit of your own elbow grease! By all means pray specifically for your needs and desires but remain open to alternate routes! God’s ways are not always our ways and sometimes the Promised Land looks a bit different than what you anticipated.

You are welcome to come visit us tonight at Canton Adventist Church on Scott Mill Road. We have plenty of tasty food, fun conversations, and warm love to share. Come and join us!


Getting The Truck Ready

With our first event quickly approaching, it's crunch time on ready the Forever Fed Truck ready for its maiden voyage.

Kelley Fleet Services donated our 14 foot Box Truck in May, 2010. Susan and Bob flew to Ft. Lauderdale, picked up the truck, and drove it home to Woodstock, GA (Suburb of Atlanta) in one day! Home never looked quite so sweet after 13 hours on the road in the cab of a box truck!

Sanding/caulking floor to prep for new vinyl flooring...

One worker, three supervisors!

Andy sanding the was at least 100 degrees inside the truck.

Donna cleaning/painting inside of rear door, Ansley checking it all out!

Donna cleaning/painting inside of rear door, Ansley checking it all out!